April 5, 2025
$60 person-Includes Dinner, a block of nine game pack, 1 game strip for both Specials & 1 game strip for Jackpot. 14 Games pay up to $600 * Specials pay $500 & $1000 * Jackpot pays $1200
Doors Open 4 pm * Dinner 4:30pm to /6:00pm * Bingo 6:30pm *ADDITIONAL Game papers sold 4:30pm (9 pack-$15 / 6 pack-$10 / 3 pack-$5 / Specials & Jackpot $1)
Free Coffee & Iced Tea available until last break. Soda & Snacks sold during each of two 15 minute breaks. Reservations – call LaRue Stevens @ 301-829-2510, reserve tickets then mail your check SAME DAY. Include the FIRST & LAST NAME of each player. • (Players on the mailing list please use the enclosed pre-Addressed envelope). Cut off for paid tickets to be mailed out is March 28th. • MAR 28th – APR 3rd - Call in Reservations continue as long as tickets are still available. These tickets must be paid for and picked up (at the Libertytown Fire Dept. Social Hall) on either Thur. Apr. 3rd or Fri. Apr. 4th between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. Early Reservations strongly suggested for assigned seats & food ordering (completed Mar. 29th). All checks will be deposited prior to event 4/5 ** Tickets will be sold at the door (if still available) for the Cost of $65.00 ** CHECKS PAYABLE TO & ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE LIBERTYTOWN FIRE DEPT. LVFD RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REDUCE PAYOUTS IF LESS THAN 150 PLAYERS. NO REFUNDS. |